Ответ @parapaparamparam
and what about your favorit producer? Maybe you watched films Ingmar Bergman? or A. Kaurismaki?
What was the last movie that you remember?
What was the last movie that you remember?
Hm, I think Kubrick's films are made just for me. Maybe later I'll say something absolutely different.
Bergman for me is a bit more difficult, but still there's something in his works that really makes sense
Bergman for me is a bit more difficult, but still there's something in his works that really makes sense
от Gunnar_Th
I think you will like. What was the last movie that you liked?
24 июл 2015 в 10:491437724196
от parapaparamparam
The last film I watched and liked was "Rear window" by Hitchcock
24 июл 2015 в 16:061437743172